Thursday, October 12, 2006

Liberty Village, Toronto

i work for a design firm. our office is located 5 minutes walk from the lake in Liberity Village, Toronto. if you asked everyone in my office of 50 where the lake is there would be sadly more vague answers in the vain of i think it’s that way. Well they’d know where it was roughly but they’d think it too far to walk to. they seem shocked when they find out that go there every lunch, how do you get there? the area that i work in is a booming area, except the fact that all green space has been taken over by parking lots. no one seems to mind, and when i make a comment about it i get a glazed over response. in an area that has approx 10, 000 workers, mostly design firms and film studios i may add (creative types?), i think i’m one of the only people that go to the lake at lunch. in my mind that is phenominal. in my mind that is what we’re up against. i don’t want to come off arrogant with the believe that just because the lake is something that is important to me it has to be for everyone else. but this micro situation in the office is quite macro, there is a freeway of 8 lanes, and a bvld of 6 lanes between the city and the lake. it’s no wonder people have such a huge disconnect. there is a fight in the city to take down the freeway but the oppostion is fierce. but the first step is to have people care, becasue at the moment they’re indifferent.

maybe one step is to double the price of parking, and double the price of gas. maybe that will get people out of their cars and actually learn where they are.

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